What is Scalp Cooling Therapy?
Scalp cooling therapy, also known as cold cap therapy, is a cooling system process that minimizes chemotherapy-induced hair loss. Cooling the scalp causes constriction of the small blood vessels (capillaries) that supply the blood to the hair follicles. By constricting the blood vessels, you reduce the concentration of chemotherapy that gets to the hair follicles. The hair follicles are among the fastest growing and dividing cells in the body, chemotherapy targets rapidly dividing cells such as cancer, but also the hair follicles. By cooling the hair follicles, you put them in a hibernation-like state and lower the metabolic activity to make them less susceptible helping to prevent them from exposure to the toxicity of chemotherapy.
Cold Caps are essentially large ice packs that are folded around the head, fitted tightly, and alternated approximately every 30 minutes. The caps are worn on treatment days starting an hour before chemotherapy begins, worn during the full treatment time at the infusion center, and for a pre-designated time after chemotherapy ends.
Scalp cooling is very effective with studies showing that more than 60% of patients keep more than 50% of their hair! The effectiveness of scalp cooling is different for everyone. Success is based on many factors, including chemotherapy type and regimen, quality and type of hair, and starting the capping on the first day of treatment.
Scalp cooling has been used for decades on patients with certain types of cancers, primarily solid tumor cancers with certain chemotherapy medications. Please talk with your doctor to see if scalp cooling is right for you.
"So happy I did this. It helped my self-esteem to keep my hair. Having cancer is enough drama. I really was not ready to see my hair fall out. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to retain my hair. It was expensive, but the money I spent I would do it again in a heartbeat 💓 . If you can afford it, I recommend it! Hugs to the inventor!" Macey P.
Visit Scalp Cooling Therapy for more information.
Manual scalp cooling in early-stage breast cancer case report: Value of caretaker training and patient experience to optimize efficacy and patient selection: Manual scalp cooling in early-stage breast cancer case report: Value of caretaker training and patient experience to optimize efficacy and patient selection